Wat doen Stellenberg Terapiesentrum (STS)?
STS is ‘n netwerk van professionele persone in privaat praktyk wat mense vinnig, effektief en
bekostigbaar wil help met die verskillende uitdagings in hulle lewens.
What does the Stellenberg Therapy Centre (STS) do?
STS is a network of professional people in private practise aiming to render services quickly,
efficiently and affordable to everyone battling with life’s challenges.
100% Vertroulikheid – 100% Confidentiality
Waarmee kan STS jou help?/How can we help you?
— Depressie en angs/Depression and anxiety
— Huweliksprobleme (seksualiteit, konflikhantering)/Marriage counselling (sexuality, conflict resolution)
— Hoe herbou ek my lewe na ‘n egskeiding?/How do I rebuild my life after divorce?
— Hoe verwerk ek trauma?/How do I deal with trauma?
— Moet ek en my gesin emigreer?/Should my family and I emigrate?
Rudolph van Schoor
Councelling/Life and business coach

Ayesha de Villiers
Opvoedkundige Sielkundige/Educational Psychologist

Jacolien Kruger
Spraakterapeut/Speech Therapist

Zoné Janse van Rensburg
Arbeidsterapeut/Occupational Therapist

Lica King
Spraakterapeut/Speech Therapist

Nicole John

Kontak ons/Contact us
SOS kantoor/office
Sekretaresse/Secretary: Charlotte Schoeman
021 976 4519 (08:00 tot 14:00)
h.v. Mountain Viewrylaan en Edelweisweg, Eversdal
c/o Mountain View Drive and Edelweis Way, Eversdal.
Weeksdae na 14:00 kontak gerus vir Rudolph van Schoor, sentrumbestuurder, by 066 546 6375/rudolph@coachingcapetown.co.za of therapy@stellenberg.co.za
After 14:00 on weekdays contact Rudolph van Schoor, centre manager, 066 546 6375/rudolph@coachingcapetown.co.za of therapy@stellenberg.co.za