Gedagte vir die dag | Woensdag 2 Maart 2022

Op hierdie Aswoensdag nooi ons mekaar in lydenstyd in. Ons raak bewus van ons eie seer, skaamte en gebrokenheid en ook dat God by ons is.

Ek lees graag vir julle ‘n gebed, spesifiek vir die mense van die Oekraïne.

Lord Jesus, humble ruler of the universe

Our older brother Paul knew full well that we would find it almost impossible to pray in times of deep darkness. He tried to reassure us that the Spirit will intercede for us when our words fail us.

We know this feeling: the inadequacy of words.

But right know, the people of Ukraine know it better.

Holy Spirit, please pray for them and with them. And us.

For the old man who has signed up to fight to save his grandchildren.

For the woman lifting mattresses to cover the windows.

For the soldiers who confidently greeted their children.

For the office workers patting their pets in underground train stations, hoping that the electricity stay on.

Lord have mercy.

Lord Jesus, we don’t want to remember that you told us to love our enemies and pray for evil governments. But we do.

So while we don’t want to, we pray for those: the power-hungry, the mad, the evil.

Lord have mercy on them too but stop them in the meantime, please.

Our list is long this morning, and will be for quite some time.

Thank you for not only hearing our long pleas, but for translating our fears into sentences that make sense.

Lord Jesus, humble ruler of the universe, we believe and trust in you.

You are the Savior, and no one else.
