Dagstuk | Vrydag 20 Oktober 2023

Ek wil graag vanoggend ‘n gebed lees van die Corrymeela gemeenskap in Ierland. Mag hulle gebed ook woorde wees wat in elkeen van ons lewe. Mag ons elke dag die lewe met al haar oppe en affe as ‘n geskenk ontvang

God of the strength that lifts us each morning,

God of the weight that drops us down in our beds:

this constant fight against gravity,

this struggle to push up and away – is a marker of life.

It is our daily battle of no and yes.

No, we will not lie still.

Yes, we will live and move and have our being.

We give thanks for the rest that preserves our life for tomorrow,

so that as we rise from our night’s slumber

we begin again and gain a victory in each waking, determined moment;

and see a glimpse,

if only faintly, of an endless rising dawn.